Thursday, June 17, 2010

The story of the Y&R hat

I am sure that everyone has had this happen to them, your teacher takes something away from you while you are in class. Well this is the story of someone who fought back and we are going to make sure that he wins. D.C. and his mom came into the store yesterday and asked the price of a Y&R hat, this is his story that he e-mailed to me.

"Ok Kevin, here's the story. It was the last day of school and I thought " Wow, its the last day of school, maybe I could wear my Reckless Snapback Hat". I thought wrong. So my Physics teacher, Mr. Frank took it away from me and told me to get it back after school was done. So when school was done, I go to him asking, " Hey Mr.Frank can I have my hat back?. So we go in all the classrooms and we couldnt find it anywhere. So he told me, "If he couldn't find it, he would buy me another one". And by the way, my name is Darnell AKA D.C.

We sold out of Y&R hats, but D.C. is going to be the first person that gets a hat when the new shipment arrives. And it will be paid for by Mr. Frank.

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